= 0) { if(!$orname && !$orsun) $order = " order by updatetime desc"; else $order = " order by $orname $orsun"; if($menu=="index") { $result = $dalib->selectSQLAll("select * from $Table[Product] where $kind = '1' $order"); $rnumPN = $result[rnum]; }elseif($menu=="search") { $result = $dalib->selectSQLAll("select * from $Table[Product] where pname like '%$search%' or pcompany like '%$search%' $order"); $rnumPN = $result[rnum]; }else { $result = $dalib->selectSQLAll("select * from $Table[Product] where bigcate ='$bigcate' and smcate = '$smcate' $order"); $rnumPN = $result[rnum]; } if($mode=="prev") { @mysql_data_seek($result[result],$state); $r_prev = mysql_fetch_array($result[result]); $pcode = $r_prev[pcode]; }elseif($mode=="next") { @mysql_data_seek($result[result],$state); $r_next = @mysql_fetch_array($result[result]); $pcode = $r_next[pcode]; } $prev_state = $state - 1; $next_state = $state + 1; } if($mode=="part"){ if($_GET[company] == "daiwa"){ $_TableP = "fishingas2008.DaiwaProductCode2"; $_TableC = "fishingas2008.DaiwaThirdCategory"; $imgUrl = "daiwapartsinfo/daiwaimages2"; $partMapUrl = "daiwapartsinfo/daiwapartimages2"; }elseif($_GET[company] == "shimano"){ $_TableP = "fishingas2008.ShimanoProductCode"; $_TableC = "fishingas2008.ShimanoThirdCategory"; $imgUrl = "shimanopartsinfo/shimanoimages"; $partMapUrl = "shimanopartsinfo/shimanopartimages2"; } $r = $dalib->selectSQLField("select * from $_TableC where bigcate ='$bigcate' and smcate='$smcate' and thirdcate='$thirdcate'"); $r2 = $dalib->selectSQLField("select * from $_TableP where pcode='$pcode'"); }else{ $r = $dalib->selectSQLField("select bigcatename from $Table[Bigcategory] where bigcate ='$bigcate'"); $r2 = $dalib->selectSQLField("select smcatename from $Table[Smcategory] where smcate ='$smcate'"); } $bigcatename = $r[bigcatename]; $smcatename = $r2[smcatename]; if($smcatename=="") $smcatenameTitle = $r2[smcatename]; else $smcatenameTitle = $smcatename; if($mode=="part"){ $r = $dalib->selectSQLField("select * from $_TableP where pcode = '$_GET[pcode]'"); }else{ $r = $dalib->selectSQLField("select * from $Table[Product] where pcode = '$_GET[pcode]'"); } $pname = stripslashes($r[pname]); $pcompany = stripslashes($r[pcompany]); $pinfo = $r[pinfo]; $pbuylimit = stripslashes($r[pbuylimit]); $selfStock = $r[selfStock]; $self_sale = $r[sale]; switch ($pcompany){ case "SHIMANO" : $affiPerSale = $RMANAGE[shimanoaffiPerSale]; break; case "DAIWA" : $affiPerSale = $RMANAGE[daiwaaffiPerSale]; break; case "가마가츠" : $affiPerSale = $RMANAGE[sinsinaffiPerSale]; break; default : $affiPerSale = $RMANAGE[etcaffiPerSale]; } /* if($r[persale]>0){ $psellprice = round($r[pprice]*$affiSale*(1-($r[persale]/100)),-3); }else{ $psellprice = round($r[pprice]*$affiSale*(1-($r[persale]/100)),-3); } */ $pcode = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/","",$r[pcode]); //숫자 이외의 문자열은 널값으로 만들면 숫자값들만 표시 $_Table = "fishingas2008.Barcode"; $pummokName = $dalib->selectSQLField("select pummok from fishingas2008.Barcode where barcode='$pcode'"); if($pummokName[pummok]=="다이와 부품" || $pummokName[pummok]=="시마노 부품"){ $_field = "barcode"; }else{ $_field = "pcode"; } $result = $dalib->selectSQLAll("select * from $Table[ProductStockSetting] where pcode = '$pcode'"); if($result[rnum]>0) { $row = @mysql_fetch_array($result[result]); for($loop=1;$loop<=48;$loop++) { if($row["k_".$loop]=="" || $row["k_".$loop]=="0") continue; $cWhere .= $_field."='".$row["k_".$loop]."' or "; } $cWhere = substr($cWhere, 0, -3); if($cWhere=="0") { $cWhere = ""; }else{ $cWhere = "where (".$cWhere.") and"; } $rPs = $dalib->selectSQLField("select MIN(mallSellprice*1) as MinPsellprice, mallSellpriceStatic, pummok from fishingas2008.Barcode $cWhere mallSellprice > '0' and company='$pcompany'"); //echo ("select MIN(mallSellprice*1) as MinPsellprice, mallSellpriceStatic, pummok from fishingas2008.Barcode $cWhere mallSellprice > '0' and company='$pcompany'"); $psellprice = $rPs[MinPsellprice]; $cWhere = substr($cWhere, 0, -4); $resultStock = $dalib->selectSQLAll("select * from $_Table $cWhere"); while($rs = mysql_fetch_array($resultStock[result])){ $totalStock += $rs[amount]; } /* if($self_sale>0){ $rowSale = $dalib->selectSQLField("select sale from $Table[Product] where jancode='$r[jancode]'"); }else{ $rowSale = $dalib->selectSQLField("select sale from $_Table where jancode='$r[jancode]'"); } */ }else{ if($mode=="part"){ $rPs = $dalib->selectSQLField("select * from $_TableP where pcode='$pcode'"); $psellprice = $rPs[yen]; $totalStock = $rPs[amount]; }else{ if($r[pcompany] == "GAMAKATSU"){ $rPs = $dalib->selectSQLField("select mallSellprice, mallSellpriceStatic from $_Table where $_field='$pcode' || jancode='$pcode'"); }else{ $rPs = $dalib->selectSQLField("select mallSellprice, mallSellpriceStatic from $_Table where $_field='$pcode'"); } $psellprice = $rPs[mallSellprice]; $totalStock = $rPs[amount]; /* if($self_sale>0){ $rowSale = $dalib->selectSQLField("select sale from $Table[Product] where pcode='$r[pcode]'"); }else{ $rowSale = $dalib->selectSQLField("select sale from $_Table where pcode='$r[pcode]'"); } */ } } $pprice = $psellprice*1.1; # 상품코드가 잘못되었거나 상품이 디비내용에 없을경우 //if($r[srlno]=="") $fulib->alertTour("잘못된 상품코드이거나 현재 서비스하지 않는 상품입니다.", "/index.php"); if($r[0]=="" || $r[display]=="0") $fulib->alertTour("잘못된 상품코드이거나 현재 서비스하지 않는 상품입니다.", "/index.php"); if($totalStock < 1) $STOCK_IMG = ""; if($r[html] == "0") { $pcontents = str_replace(" "," ",$r[pcontents]) ; $pcontents = nl2br(stripslashes($pcontents)) ; }elseif($r[html] =="1") { $pcontents = stripslashes($r[pcontents]); } $rstock = $dalib->selectSQLField("select * from $Table[ProductStockItemDetail] where pcode = '$_GET[pcode]' and kind = '1'"); $rstock2 = $dalib->selectSQLField("select * from $Table[ProductStockItemDetail] where pcode = '$_GET[pcode]' and kind = '2'"); $rstock3 = $dalib->selectSQLField("select * from $Table[ProductStockSetting] where pcode = '$_GET[pcode]'"); # 배송정보 $r_send = $dalib->selectSQLField("select sendkind, sendcontent from $Table[ManageInfo]"); if($r_send[sendkind] == "0") { $sendcontent = str_replace(" "," ",$r_send[sendcontent]) ; $sendcontent = nl2br(stripslashes($sendcontent)) ; }elseif($r_send[sendkind] =="1") { $sendcontent = stripslashes($r_send[sendcontent]); } # 상품별 통계 if($r[srlno] != "" and $now != "ad") { $basedate = date("Ym"); $r_stat_total = $dalib->selectSQLField("select srlno from $Table[ProductStat] where pcode = '$pcode' and basedate = 'total'"); if($r_stat_total[0]=="") { $insertsql = "insert into $Table[ProductStat] set pcode = '$pcode', pname = '$pname', basedate = 'total', view = '1'"; $dalib->directQuery($insertsql); }else { $dalib->directQuery("update $Table[ProductStat] set view = view + 1 where pcode = '$pcode' and basedate = 'total'"); } $r_stat_view = $dalib->selectSQLField("select srlno from $Table[ProductStat] where pcode = '$pcode' and basedate = '$basedate'"); if($r_stat_view[0]=="") { $insertsql = "insert into $Table[ProductStat] set pcode = '$pcode', pname = '$pname', basedate = '$basedate', view = '1'"; $dalib->directQuery($insertsql); }else { $dalib->directQuery("update $Table[ProductStat] set view = view + 1 where pcode = '$pcode' and basedate = '$basedate'"); } } if($mode=="recom") { if($find=="precom") $PreTitle .= "추천상품 > "; if($find=="pnew") $PreTitle .= "신상품 > "; if($find=="pbest") $PreTitle .= "베스트 상품 > "; if($find=="ppopu") $PreTitle .= "인기상품 > "; }elseif($menu=="search") { $PreTitle .= "'$search' 검색 > "; }elseif($menu=="symp") { $PreTitle = "$SYMP_TITLE > "; }else { if($bigcatename != "") $PreTitle .= "$bigcatename > "; if($smcatenameTitle !="") $PreTitle .= "$smcatenameTitle > "; } $p_sale = "pcode_sale_".$pcode; if($rPs[mallSellpriceStatic]=="Y"){ $psellprice = $psellprice; }else{ $psellprice = $fulib->priceBelow_100($psellprice); } if($mode=="part"){ ?>
1){ ?> ">

', 100, 0, 700, 600, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);" onFocus="this.blur()">크게보기
5){ ?> <?echo($pname);?> <?echo($pname);?>
', 100, 0, 700, 600, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);" onFocus="this.blur()">크게보기

부품주문시 유의사항

  • 2019년1월1일부터 일본 시마노사의 부품가격이 인상되었습니다.
  • 간혹 부품인상 업데이트가 누락된 부품은 발송전 청구됨을 양해바랍니다.
  • 시마노 부품은 2~3주 ,다이와 부품은 3~4주 정도 소요됩니다.
  • (재고유무 따라 변동있슴)
  • 주문된 부품에 대해서는 주문 취소가 안되오니 이점 동의하시면
  • 주문을 진행 해 주십시오.
  • 동의합니다.

  • 15){?>
    소비자 가격 :  
    판매가격 :  
    상품코드 :  
    JAN 코드 :  
    원산지 :   대한민국
    제조원 :  
    주문수량 :    개 (필요하신 수량을 적으세요.) selectSQLField("select pummok from fishingas2008.Barcode where barcode='$r[pcode]'"); if($pummokName[pummok]=="다이와 부품" || $pummokName[pummok]=="시마노 부품"){ $_field = "barcode"; }else{ $_field = "pcode"; } $pcodeNum = ereg_replace("[^0-9]", "", $r[pcode]); //숫자 이외의 문자열은 널값으로 만들면 숫자값들만 표시 if($r[pcompany] == "GAMAKATSU"){ $dstock = $dalib->selectSQLField("select amount from fishingas2008.Barcode where $_field = '$pcodeNum' || jancode='$pcodeNum'"); }else{ $dstock = $dalib->selectSQLField("select amount from fishingas2008.Barcode where $_field = '$pcodeNum'"); } echo "
        총 재고수량 : ".$dstock[amount]."EA"; } } ?>
    아래의 재고사항을 확인후 주문수량을 선택해 주세요.
    "; if($r[shimanoHoWhanName]!="") echo "$r[shimanoHoWhanName]
    "; if($r[daiwaAssemblingName]!="") echo "$r[daiwaAssemblingName]
    "; if($r[shimanoAssemblingName]!="") echo "$r[shimanoAssemblingName]
    "; ?>
    리브레 호환표
    selectSQLField("select linkPcode from fishingas2008.ShimanoProductCode where pcode='$pcode'"); if($rL[0] != "") $pcode = $rL[linkPcode]; else $pcode = $pcode; $url = "http://www.shimanofishingservice.jp/parts_price/data/".$pcode."/".$pcode.".png"; echo ""; }else{ if(file_exists("/home/fishingas/www/pdf/".$_GET[company]."/".$pcode.".pdf")){ ?>
    "; } } } ?>

    selectSQLField("select * from $_TableP where pcode='$_GET[pcode]'"); if($_GET['bigcate'] == "") $bigcate = $r['bigcate']; if($_GET['smcate'] == "") $smcate = $r['smcate']; ?>
    selectSQLAll("select * from fishingas2008.Barcode where pcode='$_GET[pcode]' and company='daiwa' order by keyNo +0 asc"); }elseif(strtolower($_GET[company])=="shimano"){ $result = $dalib->selectSQLAll("select * from fishingas2008.Barcode where pcode='$_GET[pcode]' and company='shimano' order by keyNo +0 asc"); }elseif(strtolower($_GET[company])=="gamakatsu"){ $result = $dalib->selectSQLAll("select * from fishingas2008.Barcode where pcode='$_GET[pcode]' and company='가마가츠' and pummok='가마가츠 부품' order by keyNo +0 asc"); } // 각기수와 grade 져와서 제품가격 계산하기 /* if($specialPrice[$i]=="1") $premiumPrice = "0.5"; else $premiumPrice = "0"; */ $premiumPrice = 0; $rG = $dalib->selectSQLField("select * from fishingas2008.ShopGakki"); if(strtolower($_GET[company])=="daiwa"){ $gakki = explode("#", $rG[daiwa]); }else if(strtolower($_GET[company])=="shimano"){ $gakki = explode("#", $rG[shimano]); }else if(strtolower($_GET[company])=="가마가츠"){ $gakki = explode("#", $rG[gamakatsu]); } /* }else if($maker[$i]=="G"){ $gakki = explode("#", $rG[gamakatsu]); }else if($maker[$i]=="K"){ $gakki = explode("#", $rG[daiko]); } */ if(strtolower($_GET[company])=="shimano"){ $i=0; while($r = mysql_fetch_array($result[result])){ $partName = $r[partName]; $won_price = ($gakki[2]+$premiumPrice) * $r[yen]; // 당분간 모두 소비자가격으로... ?> selectSQLAll("select * from fishingas2008.GamakatsuSoltOutYumu where pcode='$realPcode'"); if($rG[rnum] < 1){ if($r[amount] > 0) { $partComment = "소량, 주문가능"; $checkBox = ""; }else{ $partComment = "단종, 주문불가"; $checkBox = " disabled"; } } ?> selectSQLField("select partName from fishingas2008.Barcode where pcode='$_GET[pcode]' and keyNo='$r[keyNo]'"); $partname = $r[partName]; $won_price = ($gakki[2]+$premiumPrice) * $r[yen]; // 당분간 모두 소비자가격으로... ?>
    선택 번호 부품명 부품코드 주문수량 부품가격 특이사항
    바코드 / 위치 / 수량
    "; ?> selectSQLField("select position, amount from fishingas2008.Barcode where barcode='$r[barcode]' order by amount desc"); }else{ $barcodeInfo = $dalib->selectSQLField("select position, amount from fishingas2008.Barcode where partCode='$r[partCode]' order by amount desc"); } echo $r[barcode]." /".$barcodeInfo[position]." / ".$barcodeInfo[amount]."EA"; echo ""; } */ ?>
    value="" onClick="javascript:if(this.checked){this.style.backgroundColor='orange'}else{this.style.backgroundColor=''};">
    selectSQLField("select position, amount from Barcode where barcode='$r[barcode]' order by amount desc"); echo $r[barcode]." /".$barcodeInfo[position]." / ".$barcodeInfo[amount]."EA"; } ?>
    "; ?> selectSQLField("select position, amount from fishingas2008.Barcode where barcode='$r[barcode]' order by amount desc"); echo $r[barcode]." /".$barcodeInfo[position]." / ".$barcodeInfo[amount]."EA"; echo ""; } ?>
      수담재고  일반재고
    특이 사항에 대해
    수리대응전용(부품판매는 안되고 본사에서 수리만 됩니다.)
    판매중지중(부품판매에 대해서는 문의해 주세요.)
    생산종료(생산종료되어 더이상 취급하지 않습니다.)
    selectSQLField("select amount, mallSellprice from $_Table where pcode='$pcodes' and company='$pcompany'"); $totalAmount = $bcode[amount]; if(eregi("#",$jancode)){ $optionPrice = explode("#",$pcodes); $bcode[mallSellprice] = $optionPrice[1]; } $psellprice = $fulib->priceBelow_100($bcode[mallSellprice]); $item = $item01."#".$item02."#".$value."#".$pcodes."#".$psellprice; if($_COOKIE[CookieGroup]=="9"){ if($result[rnum]>"0") { switch($pcompany){ case "livre": $_field = "pcode"; break; case "daiwa": $_field = "barcode"; break; case "shimano": $_field = "barcode"; break; } $dstock = $dalib->selectSQLField("select amount from fishingas2008.Barcode where $_field = '$pcodes'"); $amountBarcode = "
    ".$dstock[amount]."EA"; } } if($totalAmount>0 and strlen($pcode)>0 ){ $STATE = "
    $amountBarcode"; }else{ $STATE = "
    정기주문 $amountBarcode"; } /* if($rstock3["k_".$Count]>0) $STATE = "

    selectSQLField("select * from fishingas2008.ShopMovie where srlno='$radom'"); $pMovie = ''; echo $pMovie."
    "; } ?>
    "; } }else{ */ echo str_replace("https", "http", $pcontents); //} ?>