selectSQLAll("select * from $Table[Product] where display = '1' and completion = '1' and stock_amount>0 and $find = '$search' $order"); $rnum = $result[rnum]; if($find=="pbest") $PresentTitle = "º£½ºÆ® »óÇ°"; if($find=="pnew") $PresentTitle = "À̺¥Æ® »óÇ°"; if($find=="precom") $PresentTitle = "Ãßõ»óÇ°"; if($find=="ppopu") $PresentTitle = "Àαâ»óÇ°"; if($find=="is_sale") $PresentTitle = "ÃÊƯ°¡ ¼¼ÀÏ»óÇ°"; }else{ if(!$orname && !$orsun) $order = " order by direct_stock='1' desc, updatetime desc"; else $order = " order by $orname $orsun"; $r = $dalib->selectSQLField("select bigcatename from $Table[Bigcategory] where bigcate ='$bigcate'"); $r2 = $dalib->selectSQLField("select smcatename from $Table[Smcategory] where smcate ='$smcate'"); //$r3 = $dalib->selectSQLField("select thirdcatename from $Table[Thirdcategory] where thirdcate='$thirdcate'"); $PresentTitle = $r[bigcatename]; $PresendSmcate = $r2[smcatename]; //$PresendThirdcate = $r3[thirdcatename]; $result = $dalib->selectSQLAll("select * from $Table[Product] where bigcate ='$bigcate' and display = '1' and completion='1' and stock_amount>0 $order"); if($smcate=="" && $pcompany=="") $result = $dalib->selectSQLAll("select * from $Table[Product] where bigcate ='$bigcate' and display = '1' and completion='1' and stock_amount>0 $order"); elseif($smcate!="" && $pcompany=="") $result = $dalib->selectSQLAll("select * from $Table[Product] where bigcate ='$bigcate' and smcate = '$smcate' and display = '1' and completion='1' and stock_amount>0 $order"); else $result = $dalib->selectSQLAll("select * from $Table[Product] where bigcate ='$bigcate' and smcate = '$smcate' and pcompany = '$pcompany' and display = '1' and completion='1' and stock_amount>0 $order"); $rnum = $result[rnum]; } $pagingList = $paging2->pagingList("mode=$mode&bigcate=$bigcate&smcate=$smcate&pcompany=$pcompany&bigcatename=$bigcatename&smcatename=$smcatename&orname=$orname&orsun=$orsun&search=$search&find=$find",$rnum,40,10); $startRecord = $paging2->startRecord; $endRecord = $paging2->endRecord; $page = $paging2->page; $result2 = $dalib->selectSQLAll("select * from $Table[Smcategory] where bigcate = '$bigcate' and display='1' order by cateorder asc"); $result3 = $dalib->selectSQLAll("select pcompany from $Table[Product] where bigcate = '$bigcate' and smcate = '$smcate' group by pcompany order by updatetime desc"); //echo ("select * from $Table[Thirdcategory] where bigcate = '$bigcate' and smcate = '$smcate' order by updatetime desc"); exit; # Àαâ»óÇ°\ if($smcate==""){ $result_ppopu = $dalib->selectSQLAll("select * from $Table[Product] where bigcate ='$bigcate' and display = '1' and completion='1' and stock_amount>0 and mainDisplay='1' order by updatetime desc limit 3"); //$result_ppopu = $dalib->selectSQLAll("select * from $Table[Product] where bigcate ='$bigcate' and ppopu = '1' and display = '1' and completion='1' and stock_amount>0 and mainDisplay='1' order by updatetime desc limit 3"); }else{ $result_ppopu = $dalib->selectSQLAll("select * from $Table[Product] where bigcate ='$bigcate' and smcate='$smcate' and display = '1' and completion='1' and stock_amount>0 and mainDisplay='1' order by updatetime desc limit 3"); //$result_ppopu = $dalib->selectSQLAll("select * from $Table[Product] where bigcate ='$bigcate' and smcate='$smcate' and ppopu = '1' and display = '1' and completion='1' and stock_amount>0 and mainDisplay='1' order by updatetime desc limit 3"); } @mysql_data_seek($result_ppopu[result],0); $r_ppopu = @mysql_fetch_array($result_ppopu[result]); @mysql_data_seek($result_ppopu[result],1); $r2_ppopu = @mysql_fetch_array($result_ppopu[result]); @mysql_data_seek($result_ppopu[result],2); $r3_ppopu = @mysql_fetch_array($result_ppopu[result]); $pname_ppopu = $r_ppopu[pname]; $pname2_ppopu = $r2_ppopu[pname]; $pname3_ppopu = $r3_ppopu[pname]; $eng_pname = $r_ppopu[eng_pname]; $eng_pname2 = $r2_ppopu[eng_pname]; $eng_pname3 = $r3_ppopu[eng_pname]; // echo $bigcate."
".$thirdcate; exit; ?>
2) { if($r_ppopu[persale]>0){ $r_ppopu_psellprice = number_format(round($r_ppopu[pprice]*(1-($r_ppopu[persale]/100)),-2)); }else{ $r_ppopu_psellprice = number_format(round($r_ppopu[psellprice], -2)); } if($r2_ppopu[persale]>0){ $r2_ppopu_psellprice = number_format(round($r2_ppopu[pprice]*(1-($r2_ppopu[persale]/100)),-2)); }else{ $r2_ppopu_psellprice = number_format(round($r2_ppopu[psellprice], -2)); } if($r3_ppopu[persale]>0){ $r3_ppopu_psellprice = number_format(round($r3_ppopu[pprice]*(1-($r3_ppopu[persale]/100)),-2)); }else{ $r3_ppopu_psellprice = number_format(round($r3_ppopu[psellprice], -2)); } ?>
str_cutstring($eng_pname, 36);?>
0){ echo("".number_format($r_ppopu[pprice])."¿ø
"); } ?>
str_cutstring($eng_pname2, 36);?>
0){ echo("".number_format($r2_ppopu[pprice])."¿ø
"); } ?>
str_cutstring($eng_pname3, 36);?>
0){ echo("".number_format($r3_ppopu[pprice])."¿ø
"); } ?>
$PresentTitle");?> $PresendSmcate");?> »óÇ°¼ö : °³
$r[smcatename] "; else $SMTITLE = "$r[smcatename]"; ?>
$PresentTitle");?> $PresendSmcate");?> $PresendThirdcate");?> »óÇ°¼ö : °³
$r[smcatename] "; else $SMTITLE = "$r[smcatename]"; ?>
$r[pcompany] "; else $THIRDTITLE = "$r[pcompany]"; ?>
0) $psellprice = round($r[pprice]*$affiSale*(1-($r[persale]/100)),-3); else $psellprice = round($r[pprice]*$affiSale,-3); if($pcompany2=="DAIWA") $affiSale = $affiPerSale; else $affiSale = 1; if($r2[persale]>0) $psellprice2 = round($r2[pprice]*$affiSale*(1-($r2[persale]/100)),-3); else $psellprice2 = round($r2[pprice]*$affiSale,-3); if($pcompany3=="DAIWA") $affiSale = $affiPerSale; else $affiSale = 1; if($r3[persale]>0) $psellprice3 = round($r3[pprice]*$affiSale*(1-($r3[persale]/100)),-3); else $psellprice3 = round($r3[pprice]*$affiSale,-3); if($pcompany4=="DAIWA") $affiSale = $affiPerSale; else $affiSale = 1; if($r4[persale]>0) $psellprice4 = round($r4[pprice]*$affiSale*(1-($r4[persale]/100)),-3); else $psellprice4 = round($r4[pprice]*$affiSale,-3); if($r[stock_amount]<1) $STOCK_IMG = ""; else $STOCK_IMG = ""; if($r2[stock_amount]<1) $STOCK_IMG2 = ""; else $STOCK_IMG2 = ""; if($r3[stock_amount]<1) $STOCK_IMG3 = ""; else $STOCK_IMG3 = ""; if($r4[stock_amount]<1) $STOCK_IMG4 = ""; else $STOCK_IMG4 = ""; /* if($r[stock_amount]<1) $STOCK_IMG = ""; else $STOCK_IMG = ""; if($r2[stock_amount]<1) $STOCK_IMG2 = ""; else $STOCK_IMG2 = ""; if($r3[stock_amount]<1) $STOCK_IMG3 = ""; else $STOCK_IMG3 = ""; if($r4[stock_amount]<1) $STOCK_IMG4 = ""; else $STOCK_IMG4 = ""; */ ?>
0 && $img_info[1] > 0){ if($img_info[0]>=$img_info[1]){ $small_width = $img_size; $small_height = $small_width*$img_info[1]/$img_info[0]; }else{ $small_height = $img_size; $small_width = $small_height*$img_info[0]/$img_info[1]; } }else{ $small_height = $img_size; $small_width = $img_size; } if($r[persale]>=15) { $sale = '
'; }else{ $sale = ""; } ?> "> <?echo($pname);?> <?echo($pname);?>
"> [".$pcompany."]"?>
str_cutstring($pname, 36);?>
str_cutstring($eng_pname, 36);?>

0){ echo("".number_format($r[pprice])."¿ø
"); } ?> "> ¿ø

0) {?> (Àû¸³±Ý : ¿ø)
0 && $img_info[1] > 0){ if($img_info[0]>=$img_info[1]){ $small_width = $img_size; $small_height = $small_width*$img_info[1]/$img_info[0]; }else{ $small_height = $img_size; $small_width = $small_height*$img_info[0]/$img_info[1]; } }else{ $small_height = $img_size; $small_width = $img_size; } if($r2[persale]>=15) { $sale = '
'; }else{ $sale = ""; } ?> "> <?echo($pname2);?> <?echo($pname2);?>
"> [".$pcompany2."]"?>
str_cutstring($pname2, 36);?>
str_cutstring($eng_pname2, 36);?>

0){ echo("".number_format($r2[pprice])."¿ø
"); } ?> "> ¿ø

0) {?> (Àû¸³±Ý : ¿ø)
0 && $img_info[1] > 0){ if($img_info[0]>=$img_info[1]){ $small_width = $img_size; $small_height = $small_width*$img_info[1]/$img_info[0]; }else{ $small_height = $img_size; $small_width = $small_height*$img_info[0]/$img_info[1]; } }else{ $small_height = $img_size; $small_width = $img_size; } if($r3[persale]>=15) { $sale = '
'; }else{ $sale = ""; } ?> "> <?echo($pname3);?> <?echo($pname3);?>
"> [".$pcompany3."]"?>
str_cutstring($pname3, 36);?>
str_cutstring($eng_pname3, 36);?>

0){ echo("".number_format($r3[pprice])."¿ø
"); } ?> "> ¿ø

0) {?> (Àû¸³±Ý : ¿ø)
0 && $img_info[1] > 0){ if($img_info[0]>=$img_info[1]){ $small_width = $img_size; $small_height = $small_width*$img_info[1]/$img_info[0]; }else{ $small_height = $img_size; $small_width = $small_height*$img_info[0]/$img_info[1]; } }else{ $small_height = $img_size; $small_width = $img_size; } if($r4[persale]>=15) { $sale = '
'; }else{ $sale = ""; } ?> "> <?echo($pname4);?> <?echo($pname4);?>
"> [".$pcompany4."]"?>
str_cutstring($pname4, 36);?>
str_cutstring($eng_pname4, 36);?>

0){ echo("".number_format($r4[pprice])."¿ø
"); } ?> "> ¿ø

0) {?> (Àû¸³±Ý : ¿ø)