selectSQLAll("select * from $Table[Product] where display = '1' and $find = '$search' $order"); $result = $dalib->selectSQLAll("select * from $Table[Product] where display = '1' $order"); $rnum = $result[rnum]; if($find=="pbest") $PresentTitle = "베스트 상품"; if($find=="pnew") $PresentTitle = "신상품"; if($find=="precom") $PresentTitle = "추천상품"; if($find=="ppopu") $PresentTitle = "인기상품"; }else if($mode=="part") { if($_GET[company] == "daiwa"){ $_Table = "fishingas2008.DaiwaProductCode2"; $_TableC = "fishingas2008.DaiwaThirdCategory"; $imgUrl = "daiwapartsinfo/daiwaimages2"; }elseif($_GET[company] == "shimano"){ $_Table = "fishingas2008.ShimanoProductCode"; $_TableC = "fishingas2008.ShimanoThirdCategory"; $imgUrl = "shimanopartsinfo/shimanoimages"; } $order = " order by srlno desc"; if($thirdcate == ""){ if($smcate == ""){ $result = $dalib->selectSQLAll("select * from $_Table where product_image != '' and bigcate='$bigcate' and view='Y' $order"); }else{ $result = $dalib->selectSQLAll("select * from $_Table where product_image != '' and bigcate='$bigcate' and smcate='$smcate' and view='Y' $order"); } }else{ $result = $dalib->selectSQLAll("select * from $_Table where product_image != '' and bigcate='$bigcate' and smcate='$smcate' and thirdcate='$thirdcate' and view='Y' $order"); } $rnum = $result[rnum]; }else{ if(!$orname && !$orsun) $order = " order by updatetime desc"; else $order = " order by $orname $orsun"; $r = $dalib->selectSQLField("select bigcatename from $Table[Bigcategory] where bigcate ='$bigcate'"); $r2 = $dalib->selectSQLField("select smcatename from $Table[Smcategory] where smcate ='$smcate'"); $PresentTitle = $r[bigcatename]; $PresendSmcate = $r2[smcatename]; if($bigcate == 23 || $bigcate == 24 || $bigcate == 25){ if($smcate=="") $result = $dalib->selectSQLAll("select * from $Table[Product] where stock_amount > 0 and bigcate ='$bigcate' and display = '1' $order"); else $result = $dalib->selectSQLAll("select * from $Table[Product] where stock_amount > 0 and bigcate ='$bigcate' and smcate = '$smcate' and display = '1' $order"); }else{ if($smcate=="") $result = $dalib->selectSQLAll("select * from $Table[Product] where bigcate ='$bigcate' and display = '1' $order"); else $result = $dalib->selectSQLAll("select * from $Table[Product] where bigcate ='$bigcate' and smcate = '$smcate' and display = '1' $order"); } $rnum = $result[rnum]; } $pagingList = $paging2->pagingList("mode=$mode&bigcate=$bigcate&smcate=$smcate&thirdcate=$thirdcate&smcatename=$smcatename&orname=$orname&orsun=$orsun&search=$search&find=$find&company=$_GET[company]&view=Y",$rnum,25,10); $startRecord = $paging2->startRecord; $endRecord = $paging2->endRecord; $page = $paging2->page; $result2 = $dalib->selectSQLAll("select * from $Table[Smcategory] where bigcate = '$bigcate' order by cateorder asc"); # 인기상품\ if($smcate=="") $result_ppopu = $dalib->selectSQLAll("select * from $Table[Product] where bigcate ='$bigcate' and ppopu = '1' and display = '1' order by updatetime desc limit 3"); else $result_ppopu = $dalib->selectSQLAll("select * from $Table[Product] where bigcate ='$bigcate' and smcate ='$smcate' and ppopu = '1' and display = '1' order by updatetime desc limit 3"); @mysql_data_seek($result_ppopu[result],0); $r_ppopu = @mysql_fetch_array($result_ppopu[result]); @mysql_data_seek($result_ppopu[result],1); $r2_ppopu = @mysql_fetch_array($result_ppopu[result]); @mysql_data_seek($result_ppopu[result],2); $r3_ppopu = @mysql_fetch_array($result_ppopu[result]); $pummokName1 = $dalib->selectSQLField("select pummok, company from fishingas2008.Barcode where barcode='$r_ppopu[pcode]'"); if($pummokName1[pummok]=="다이와 부품" || $pummokName1[pummok]=="시마노 부품" || $pummokName1[pcompany]=="LIVRE"){ $_field1 = "barcode"; }else{ $_field1 = "pcode"; } $pummokName2 = $dalib->selectSQLField("select pummok, company from fishingas2008.Barcode where barcode='$r2_ppopu[pcode]'"); if($pummokName2[pummok]=="다이와 부품" || $pummokName2[pummok]=="시마노 부품" || $pummokName2[pcompany]=="LIVRE"){ $_field2 = "barcode"; }else{ $_field2 = "pcode"; } $pummokName3 = $dalib->selectSQLField("select pummok, company from fishingas2008.Barcode where barcode='$r3_ppopu[pcode]'"); if($pummokName3[pummok]=="다이와 부품" || $pummokName3[pummok]=="시마노 부품" || $pummokName3[pcompany]=="LIVRE"){ $_field3 = "barcode"; }else{ $_field3 = "pcode"; } @mysql_data_seek($result_ppopu[result],0); $r_ppopu = @mysql_fetch_array($result_ppopu[result]); /* 옵션이 있는 제품인지 확인후 있으면 최저가를 판매가로....*/ //$pcode = ereg_replace("[^0-9]","",$r_ppopu[pcode]); //숫자 이외의 문자열은 널값으로 만들면 숫자값들만 표시 $pcode = $r_ppopu[pcode]; // 영문자도 사용할수 있게.. 한대리 요청 221221 $optionExist = $dalib->selectSQLAll("select * from $Table[ProductStockSetting] where pcode = '$r_ppopu[pcode]'"); if($optionExist[rnum]>0){ $row = @mysql_fetch_array($optionExist[result]); for($loop=1;$loop<=48;$loop++) { if($row["k_".$loop]=="" || $row["k_".$loop]=="0") continue; $cWhere1 .= $_field1."='".$row["k_".$loop]."' or "; } $cWhere1 = substr($cWhere1, 0, -3); if($cWhere1=="0") { $cWhere1 = ""; }else{ $cWhere1 = "(".$cWhere1.") and"; } $rPs = $dalib->selectSQLField("select MIN(mallSellprice*1) as minPsellprice, mallSellpriceStatic, pummok from fishingas2008.Barcode where $cWhere1 mallSellprice > '0' and company='$r_ppopu[pcompany]'"); //$psellprice = $rPs[minPsellprice]; }else{ $rPs = $dalib->selectSQLField("select mallSellprice as minPsellprice, mallSellpriceStatic from fishingas2008.Barcode where $_field1='$r_ppopu[pcode]'"); //$psellprice = $rPs[mallSellprice]; } @mysql_data_seek($result_ppopu[result],1); $r2_ppopu = @mysql_fetch_array($result_ppopu[result]); /* 옵션이 있는 제품인지 확인후 있으면 최저가를 판매가로....*/ //$pcode = ereg_replace("[^0-9]","",$r2_ppopu[pcode]); //숫자 이외의 문자열은 널값으로 만들면 숫자값들만 표시 $pcode = $r2_ppopu[pcode]; // 영문자도 사용할수 있게.. 한대리 요청 221221 $optionExist2 = $dalib->selectSQLAll("select * from $Table[ProductStockSetting] where pcode = '$r2_ppopu[pcode]'"); if($optionExist2[rnum]>0){ $row2 = @mysql_fetch_array($optionExist2[result]); for($loop2=1;$loop2<=48;$loop2++) { if($row2["k_".$loop2]=="" || $row2["k_".$loop2]=="0") continue; $cWhere2 .= $_field2."='".$row2["k_".$loop2]."' or "; } $cWhere2 = substr($cWhere2, 0, -3); if($cWhere2=="0") { $cWhere2 = ""; }else{ $cWhere2 = "(".$cWhere2.") and"; } $rPs2 = $dalib->selectSQLField("select MIN(mallSellprice*1) as minPsellprice, mallSellpriceStatic, pummok from fishingas2008.Barcode where $cWhere2 mallSellprice > '0' and company='$r2_ppopu[pcompany]'"); //$psellprice2 = $rPs2[minPsellprice]; }else{ $rPs2 = $dalib->selectSQLField("select mallSellprice as minPsellprice, mallSellpriceStatic from fishingas2008.Barcode where $_field2='$r2_ppopu[pcode]'"); //$psellprice2 = $rPs2[mallSellprice]; } @mysql_data_seek($result_ppopu[result],2); $r3_ppopu = @mysql_fetch_array($result_ppopu[result]); /* 옵션이 있는 제품인지 확인후 있으면 최저가를 판매가로....*/ //$pcode = ereg_replace("[^0-9]","",$r3_ppopu[pcode]); //숫자 이외의 문자열은 널값으로 만들면 숫자값들만 표시 $pcode = $r3_ppopu[pcode]; // 영문자도 사용할수 있게.. 한대리 요청 221221 $optionExist3 = $dalib->selectSQLAll("select * from $Table[ProductStockSetting] where pcode = '$r3_ppopu[pcode]'"); if($optionExist3[rnum]>0){ $row3 = @mysql_fetch_array($optionExist3[result]); for($loop3=1;$loop3<=48;$loop3++) { if($row3["k_".$loop3]=="" || $row3["k_".$loop3]=="0") continue; $cWhere3 .= $_field3."='".$row3["k_".$loop3]."' or "; } $cWhere3 = substr($cWhere3, 0, -3); if($cWhere3=="0") { $cWhere3 = ""; }else{ $cWhere3 = "(".$cWhere3.") and"; } $rPs3 = $dalib->selectSQLField("select MIN(mallSellprice*1) as minPsellprice, mallSellpriceStatic, pummok from fishingas2008.Barcode where $cWhere3 mallSellprice > '0' and company='$r3_ppopu[pcompany]'"); //$psellprice3 = $rPs3[minPsellprice]; }else{ $rPs3 = $dalib->selectSQLField("select mallSellprice as minPsellprice, mallSellpriceStatic from fishingas2008.Barcode where $_field3='$r3_ppopu[pcode]'"); //$psellprice3 = $rPs3[mallSellprice]; } $pname_ppopu = $r_ppopu[pname]; $pname2_ppopu = $r2_ppopu[pname]; $pname3_ppopu = $r3_ppopu[pname]; if($rPs[mallSellpriceStatic]=="N"){ $psellprice = $fulib->priceBelow_100($rPs[minPsellprice]); }else{ $psellprice = $rPs[minPsellprice]; } if($rPs2[mallSellpriceStatic]=="N"){ $psellprice2 = $fulib->priceBelow_100($rPs2[minPsellprice]); }else{ $psellprice2 = $rPs2[minPsellprice]; } if($rPs3[mallSellpriceStatic]=="N"){ $psellprice3 = $fulib->PriceBelow_100($rPs3[minPsellprice]); }else{ $psellprice3 = $rPs3[minPsellprice]; } ?>
  • '; }else{ ?>
selectSQLAll("select * from $_TableC where bigcate='$bigcate' and smcate='$smcate'"); $thirdcatename = $rPs[thirdcatename]; ?> 2) {?>
$r[thirdcatename] "; else $THTITLE = "$r[thirdcatename]"; ?>
$r[smcatename]"; else $SMTITLE = "$r[smcatename]"; ?>
$r[smcatename]"; else $SMTITLE = "$r[smcatename]"; ?>
selectSQLField("select pummok from fishingas2008.Barcode where barcode='$r[pcode]'"); if($pummokName1[pummok]=="다이와 부품" || $pummokName1[pummok]=="시마노 부품"){ $_field1 = "barcode"; }else{ $_field1 = "pcode"; } $pummokName2 = $dalib->selectSQLField("select pummok from fishingas2008.Barcode where barcode='$r2[pcode]'"); if($pummokName2[pummok]=="다이와 부품" || $pummokName2[pummok]=="시마노 부품"){ $_field2 = "barcode"; }else{ $_field2 = "pcode"; } $pummokName3 = $dalib->selectSQLField("select pummok from fishingas2008.Barcode where barcode='$r3[pcode]'"); if($pummokName3[pummok]=="다이와 부품" || $pummokName3[pummok]=="시마노 부품"){ $_field3 = "barcode"; }else{ $_field3 = "pcode"; } $pummokName4 = $dalib->selectSQLField("select pummok from fishingas2008.Barcode where barcode='$r4[pcode]'"); if($pummokName4[pummok]=="다이와 부품" || $pummokName4[pummok]=="시마노 부품"){ $_field4 = "barcode"; }else{ $_field4 = "pcode"; } } /* 옵션이 있는 제품인지 확인후 있으면 최저가를 판매가로....*/ //$pcode1 = ereg_replace("[^0-9]","",$r[pcode]); //숫자 이외의 문자열은 널값으로 만들면 숫자값들만 표시 $pcode1 = $r[pcode]; // 영문자도 사용할수 있게.. 한대리 요청 221221 $optionExist = $dalib->selectSQLAll("select * from $Table[ProductStockSetting] where pcode = '$pcode1'"); if($optionExist[rnum]>0){ $row = @mysql_fetch_array($optionExist[result]); for($loop=1;$loop<=48;$loop++) { if($row["k_".$loop]=="" || $row["k_".$loop]=="0") continue; $cWhere1 .= $_field1."='".$row["k_".$loop]."' or "; } $cWhere1 = substr($cWhere1, 0, -3); if($cWhere1=="0") { $cWhere1 = ""; }else{ $cWhere1 = "(".$cWhere1.") and"; } $rPs = $dalib->selectSQLField("select MIN(mallSellprice*1) as minPsellprice1, mallSellpriceStatic, pummok from fishingas2008.Barcode where $cWhere1 mallSellprice > '0' and company='$r[pcompany]'"); $psellprice = $fulib->priceBelow_100($rPs[minPsellprice1]); }else{ if($mode=="part"){ $rPs = $dalib->selectSQLField("select yen from $_Table where pcode='$pcode1'"); $psellprice = $rPs[yen]; }else{ if($r[pcompany] == "GAMAKATSU"){ $rPs = $dalib->selectSQLField("select mallSellprice, mallSellpriceStatic from fishingas2008.Barcode where $_field1='$pcode1' || jancode='$pcode1'"); }else{ $rPs = $dalib->selectSQLField("select mallSellprice, mallSellpriceStatic from fishingas2008.Barcode where $_field1='$pcode1'"); } $psellprice = $fulib->priceBelow_100($rPs[mallSellprice]); } } //$pcode2 = ereg_replace("[^0-9]","",$r2[pcode]); //숫자 이외의 문자열은 널값으로 만들면 숫자값들만 표시 $pcode2 = $r2[pcode]; // 영문자도 사용할수 있게.. 한대리 요청 221221 $optionExist2 = $dalib->selectSQLAll("select * from $Table[ProductStockSetting] where pcode = '$pcode2'"); if($optionExist2[rnum]>0){ $row2 = @mysql_fetch_array($optionExist2[result]); for($loop=1;$loop<=48;$loop++) { if($row2["k_".$loop]=="" || $row2["k_".$loop]=="0") continue; $cWhere2 .= $_field2."='".$row2["k_".$loop]."' or "; } $cWhere2 = substr($cWhere2, 0, -3); if($cWhere2=="0") { $cWhere2 = ""; }else{ $cWhere2 = "(".$cWhere2.") and"; } $rPs2 = $dalib->selectSQLField("select MIN(mallSellprice*1) as minPsellprice2, mallSellpriceStatic, pummok from fishingas2008.Barcode where $cWhere2 mallSellprice > '0' and company='$r2[pcompany]'"); $psellprice2 = $fulib->priceBelow_100($rPs2[minPsellprice2]); }else{ if($mode=="part"){ $rPs2 = $dalib->selectSQLField("select yen from $_Table where pcode='$pcode2'"); $psellprice2 = $rPs2[yen]; }else{ if($r2[pcompany] == "GAMAKATSU"){ $rPs2 = $dalib->selectSQLField("select mallSellprice, mallSellpriceStatic from fishingas2008.Barcode where $_field2='$pcode2' || jancode='$pcode2'"); }else{ $rPs2 = $dalib->selectSQLField("select mallSellprice, mallSellpriceStatic from fishingas2008.Barcode where $_field2='$pcode2'"); } $psellprice2 = $fulib->priceBelow_100($rPs2[mallSellprice]); } } //$pcode3 = ereg_replace("[^0-9]","",$r3[pcode]); //숫자 이외의 문자열은 널값으로 만들면 숫자값들만 표시 $pcode3 = $r3[pcode]; // 영문자도 사용할수 있게.. 한대리 요청 221221 $optionExist3 = $dalib->selectSQLAll("select * from $Table[ProductStockSetting] where pcode = '$pcode3'"); if($optionExist3[rnum]>0){ $row3 = @mysql_fetch_array($optionExist3[result]); for($loop=1;$loop<=48;$loop++) { if($row3["k_".$loop]=="" || $row3["k_".$loop]=="0") continue; $cWhere3 .= $_field3."='".$row3["k_".$loop]."' or "; } $cWhere3 = substr($cWhere3, 0, -3); if($cWhere3=="0") { $cWhere3 = ""; }else{ $cWhere3 = "(".$cWhere3.") and"; } $rPs3 = $dalib->selectSQLField("select MIN(mallSellprice*1) as minPsellprice3, mallSellpriceStatic, pummok from fishingas2008.Barcode where $cWhere3 mallSellprice > '0' and company='$r3[pcompany]'"); $psellprice3 = $fulib->priceBelow_100($rPs3[minPsellprice3]); }else{ if($mode=="part"){ $rPs3 = $dalib->selectSQLField("select yen from $_Table where pcode='$pcode3'"); $psellprice3 = $rPs3[yen]; }else{ if($r3[pcompany] == "GAMAKATSU"){ $rPs3 = $dalib->selectSQLField("select mallSellprice, mallSellpriceStatic from fishingas2008.Barcode where $_field3='$pcode3' || jancode='$pcode3'"); }else{ $rPs3 = $dalib->selectSQLField("select mallSellprice, mallSellpriceStatic from fishingas2008.Barcode where $_field3='$pcode3'"); } $psellprice3 = $fulib->priceBelow_100($rPs3[mallSellprice]); } } //$pcode4 = ereg_replace("[^0-9]","",$r4[pcode]); //숫자 이외의 문자열은 널값으로 만들면 숫자값들만 표시 $pcode4 = $r4[pcode]; // 영문자도 사용할수 있게.. 한대리 요청 221221 $optionExist4 = $dalib->selectSQLAll("select * from $Table[ProductStockSetting] where pcode = '$pcode4'"); if($optionExist4[rnum]>0){ $row4 = @mysql_fetch_array($optionExist4[result]); for($loop=1;$loop<=48;$loop++) { if($row4["k_".$loop]=="" || $row4["k_".$loop]=="0") continue; $cWhere4 .= $_field4."='".$row4["k_".$loop]."' or "; } $cWhere4 = substr($cWhere4, 0, -3); //echo ("select MIN(mallSellprice) as minPsellprice4, pummok from fishingas2008.Barcode where ($cWhere4) and mallSellprice > '0'"); exit; $rPs4 = $dalib->selectSQLField("select MIN(mallSellprice*1) as minPsellprice4, mallSellpriceStatic, pummok from fishingas2008.Barcode where ($cWhere4) and mallSellprice > '0' and company='$r4[pcompany]'"); $psellprice4 = $fulib->priceBelow_100($rPs4[minPsellprice4]); }else{ if($mode=="part"){ $rPs4 = $dalib->selectSQLField("select yen from $_Table where pcode='$pcode4'"); $psellprice4 = $rPs4[yen]; }else{ if($r4[pcompany] == "GAMAKATSU"){ $rPs4 = $dalib->selectSQLField("select mallSellprice, mallSellpriceStatic from fishingas2008.Barcode where $_field4='$pcode4' || jancode='$pcode4'"); }else{ $rPs4 = $dalib->selectSQLField("select mallSellprice, mallSellpriceStatic from fishingas2008.Barcode where $_field4='$pcode4'"); } $psellprice4 = $fulib->priceBelow_100($rPs4[mallSellprice]); } } if($rPs[mallSellpriceStatic]=="N"){ $psellprice = $fulib->PriceBelow_100($psellprice); }else{ $psellprice = $psellprice; } if($rPs2[mallSellpriceStatic]=="N"){ $psellprice2 = $fulib->PriceBelow_100($psellprice2); }else{ $psellprice2 = $psellprice2; } if($rPs3[mallSellpriceStatic]=="N"){ $psellprice3 = $fulib->PriceBelow_100($psellprice3); }else{ $psellprice3 = $psellprice3; } if($rPs4[mallSellpriceStatic]=="N"){ $psellprice4 = $fulib->PriceBelow_100($psellprice4); }else{ $psellprice4 = $psellprice4; } /* if($r[stock_amount]<1) $STOCK_IMG = ""; else $STOCK_IMG = ""; if($r2[stock_amount]<1) $STOCK_IMG2 = ""; else $STOCK_IMG2 = ""; if($r3[stock_amount]<1) $STOCK_IMG3 = ""; else $STOCK_IMG3 = ""; if($r4[stock_amount]<1) $STOCK_IMG4 = ""; else $STOCK_IMG4 = ""; */ $STOCK_IMG=""; ?>
"> <?echo($pname);?>
"> <?echo($pname2);?>